8th of November, 2019
Pikralida sp. z o.o. signed with the Board of the Greater Poland Region, acting as the Managing Authority of the Greater Poland Regional Operational Program for 2014-2020, a contract for the co-financing of the Project named “Establishment of R&D laboratory of supergeneric drugs no. RPWP.01.02.00-30- 0047/19-00.” The financing was granted as a part of Priority Axis 1 “Innovative and competitive economy”, Action 1.2 “Strengthening the innovative potential of Greater Poland enterprises” of the Greater Poland Regional Operational Program for 2014-2020.
The aim of this project is to manufacture the formulation prototype for the state-of-the-art antidiabetic drug containing pharmaceutical active substance in an amorphic state. As the result, the Beneficiary will develop new services which will broaden his offer, i.e. development of the active substance amorphisation technology using the hot extrusion process, development of drug formulations containing active pharmaceutical substances in an amorphic state, and an improvement of the service based on the development of analytical methods.
- Project implementation dates: 01.10.2019 – 30.06.2021
- Total project budget: 1,972,710.00 PLN
- Co-financing of the project based on UE funds: 1,260,200.00 PLN