Publication “A pharmaceutical strategy for Europe”

The latest issue of the “NAUKA” (SCIENCE) quarterly published by the Polish Academy of Sciences features a publication titled „Strategia Farmaceutyczna dla Europy: czy synteza substancji czynnych może stać się polską specjalnością?” on a pharmaceutical strategy for Europe, with the central question being whether the synthesis of active ingredients may become a Polish speciality.

The article is co-authored by dr Anna Krause, Research Director at Pikralida sp. z o.o., who, as a specialist, was appointed a member of the Committee on Therapeutics and Pharmaceuticals Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Here, you can read the study, which is „an attempt at a synthesis of the current situation and a guideline pointing towards possible courses of action. First and foremost, however, it is intended to activate the scientific community and trigger a substantive discussion on the development of synthesis of active ingredients in Poland. Given the extensiveness of the issue at hand, the authors have focused on low-molecular compounds, the domestic perspective, and on considering the environmental aspects when it comes to the synthesis of active ingredients.”

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