Pikralida sp. z o.o. was nominated to participate in PFR Biomed Academy organised by Polish Development Fund Group – an educational initiative aimed at companies with a chance to become leaders of Polish pharmaceutical and medical industry in the future.
The first part of the program took place in Warsaw and the workshops were conducted by representatives of the public and private healthcare sector, representatives of investment funds, and industry experts from, among others, National Health Fund, Polish Development Fund Group, Novartis, Polpharma, Adamed, Selvita, Philips and Neuro Device. In the second week, Pikralida Managing Director, Joanna Lipner, took part in a foreign mission co-organised by Nottingham Business School, where intensive workshops were conducted by British mentors and experts from Cambridge, London, Nottingham, and BioCity – the largest bio-science incubator in the United Kingdom and one of the largest incubators in Europe.
The culmination of BioMed Academy will be a festive gala planned for October during which the Academia participants will present their companies to investors from funds managed by PFR Ventures and PFR Life Science.
An article describing PFR Biomed Academia is published in the July issue of Manager Magazin.